Members conduct should be guided by common sense & basic etiquette. You will be considered in violation of the network Rules of Conduct:
1. No personal ads.
2. Do not post private messages to the board.
3. Post, promote, or distribute content that is illegal.
4. No personal attacks. Debate ideas, do not make it personal. No
flames(flaming can be defined as arguments). Civil discussion of ideas is encouraged, but keep your temper.
5.If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person.
6. Transmit or facilitate distribution of content that is harmful, ethnically offensive, vulgar, or in a reasonable person’s view, objectionable.
7. Pretend to be anyone whom you are not. You may not impersonate another member.
How breaking the rules will be handled.
1 ‘st Offence: You will be spoken to in public and told what part of the. Rules you are breaking and to stop your actions.
2 ‘th Offence: You will be removed and banned from the Network. Allowance back into the Network is left to the sole discretion of the forum (network) committee.
From time to time these rules may be changed and or updated without warning.
It is your duty as a member to know these rules and heed them. Ignorance of the rules does not excuse your behaviour and you can and will be banned if the need arises. You have been duly warned.
The Daily Nation
The East African Standard